Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Just Play - The Old Time App (In my opinion)
Dreaming and Conceptualizing

1. Too much of ANYTHING is a bad thing, in my opinion. As a parent, I get really irritated with how much time my children tend to spend on their electronics. When they lived with me full time we spent much more time outside playing or hiking. But their habits changed when they moved in with their dad. I remember when I was younger, the neighborhood kids regularly gathered together to play night games (Kick the Can, Capture the Flag, etc) There were a few people that stayed home and played video games, but for the most part, we were all outside and actively engaged in physical activity and socializing with friends. Two main problems that I see with not just younger people, but the older ones as well, is that a frighteningly large majority of people will spend their time on their devices, not interacting with actual people and certainly not moving their body, just their fingertips. There is an increase in weight gain, depression, and isolation. The app JUST PLAY that we came up with is intended to help people reconnect with each other, to help them remember or maybe really learn for the first time, that REAL people are actually pretty cool. We want people to be more active and healthy as well. With the incorporation of old and the new, it just might make a difference, even if it's a little bit, it's worth it. The old being the old time games people used to play together without the use of electronic devices. The new being using the devices that so many have come to see as their best friend, their phones, to find other people and come together in real time. It's time to RECONNECT with the other members of the human race.

2. It seems as if the majority of cell phone users are playing some sort of game on their phone, especially if they are on the younger side of cell phone users. We want to keep the games going but we wanted to change it up a bit by offering another place to play, different games to play and the opportunity to play with actual people! Yes, getting people to change their way of every day life, in getting off their backsides and reconnecting with people might be a little challenging, but it's worth it to try it. There are so many game apps out there, countless really... But this app is different  because it mainly just gives a list of games and how to play them (along with other info) but you don't play games with the phone necessarily. So that is what makes it stand apart from other game apps.

3. People everywhere in this country, and probably in many other countries in which the people are heavily immersed in the technological world, (though I haven't been anywhere else really so I'm not exactly familiar with the day to day habit of internationals) people are almost constantly connected to their cell phones as they're used for so many tasks. This app, will probably not make a big splash in the ocean of apps out there, but I do think that if it's tried out a few times, it could become more popular but only in regional pockets.

For our Interface design we had to decide which colors and fonts we wanted to use. The first thought that I had for the interface because the app was about playing games, was to show an image of kids/teens/adults (whatever)  playing outside and having fun - for a background. I wanted to see  a blue sky indicating something happy and appealing. Clint found a good image to use for the interface.  The main colors we used for the app interface was orange for a good portion of the text. White was also used for the text. Orange is a bright and happy color so I thought it was a good choice since that's what games are all about - having fun!

As far as fonts go, we didn't want to get too crazy with the fonts we would choose since there would be some screens on which there would a fair amount of words to read. We wanted it to be easily read. If the font used requires too much effort to decipher what is there, people won't want to use it. SO, we kept it simple.

Architecture Design - We wanted the app to be easy to use from the first screen, because if it's not easy, it won't get used. Here are some photos of the drawings we did when designing what the different app screens would likely look like (in a very simple design without the fun colors and fonts).

1. Indoor or Outdoor
2. Active or Brain
3. Large Group (11+) or Medium Group (5-10) or Small Group (2-4)

Once those few simple questions have been answered your profile will be ready, and you'll be taken to the home page.
Each of the buttons on the home screen will take you to a different aspect of the game. For example, by clicking the "settings" icon at the bottom, right you'll be taken to your profile, where you will be able to update your information whenever you see fit. For example, I would go to my profile and change every aspect of my "Interest In" section.
The flow continues as each icon on the home screen is tapped and a new screen appears. As we worked through the creation of our icon pages the app developed more and more, which resulted in us changing a couple of the home screen icons. This experience is proof that with each collaboration meeting more information will be revealed and the development of the app will continue to progress.
The start a game option will no longer be on the front page, but rather when you search for a game you will have the option of creating a game if there isn't already one you would like to join. You will be able to search a couple of different ways, either by the name of the game or by particular demographics. With the demographics you'll be able to enter vital information; including, what age range, indoor or outdoor, brain game or active game, etc. Entering those demographics would limit your options of games to create, like giving you a more focused search. We also added the idea of sponsored games, which you can see on the "join a game" page. The idea behind sponsored games is that a company can put on big events and get the word out through our app.

Proof of Concept and Distribution

For proof of concept, I know there is an option of having a test group try an app out before it gets distributed for public download and use. Before that would happen, the creators would want to try it out for sure to make sure we didn't make a fool of ourselves. It's good to get the bugs worked out as much as possible before letting other people use it and end up hating it because of problems. Once the app proves to work well, it would be time to upload it to an app store. The standard fee to have an app put in an app store is 30%, however there are some "app stores" that keep far less, but they have much smaller traffic numbers on them so it likely wouldn't be worth it.
Our app would be available exclusively through the Apple App Store (at least for now). The App would be financially free for users, but they would have to pay in information. In order for the location based services to work (the meeting up for games) users would have to give up their location if they are trying to meet for a game. Users would also have to give up their names, age and gender.

For App Distribution and Marketing success .... CLICK HERE

Monday, March 16, 2015

48 Hour Device Fast

Friday at noon my phone was shut off... Yep, shut OFF! Before I shut off my phone for two days I sent out messages to a few people that I thought would need to know that I was going device-free for 48 hours. Then I packed up my car and headed north. I drove my suburban (a car I hadn't driven in over a year) and a little while into my drive I checked my stereo for the time to see how much longer I had in my drive (Are we there yet?!) Well, I'd forgotten that I didn't have a clock on my radio and if I did, I didn't know how to make it show up or set it (without looking online to get the instructions) Since I always use my phone to check the time, I don't usually wear a watch. I realized I was going to have to make the drive without knowing the time which was kind of irritating but I dealt with the frustration just fine.

A couple of years ago I had to go 72 hours without using any devices for one of my classes. I couldn't listen to any music unless it was music I produced myself by playing an instrument.  No phones, land-lines included, were allowed. No computers. No electric devices were allowed, not even an alarm clock. It was strict! But I did it.

During the assignment of going without devices for 48 hours I experienced something just like I did in my assignment from 2 years ago.  Most of us have our phones with us nearly everywhere we go, including the bathroom, yes, you know it's true. Don't deny it. There is always a sound indicating that a text has come in, an email, a game notification etc.  There are constant connections to other people. They can reach you and you can reach them. Well it was an interesting and oddly comforting feeling to feel that I was disconnected from other people. It was a peaceful feeling. No, it really was. I kind of felt like I was in a comfortable cocoon where I was able to think and reflect and plan... whatever I wanted without any interruption or intrusion by ANYONE.

When I got off the freeway, I immediately stopped at a store to buy myself a watch so I'd know the time and a notebook and pen so I could take notes since I couldn't use my phone or any other device to do so.  I had decided I might want to take a few photos when I was up north because my niece was having her mission farewell and there would be a lot of family there. My family is HUGE! Knowing I couldn't use my nice new digital camera, I pulled out my old cheap film camera that I hadn't used in years. While I was at the store getting a watch, notebook and pen, I picked up a new battery for my camera and some film. I felt kind of stupid when I couldn't remember how to work this very simple camera. I had forgotten how to open the battery area and how to load film. Thankfully it didn't take too long to remind myself... Whew! When it came time to take pictures, I realized how valuable each photo was and how I didn't want to just go around taking pictures of whatever random things I wanted to since I only had 24 exposures available on this roll and I couldn't go back and look at them to see how they looked. Getting the film developed would be a little like opening a Christmas present from an old neighbor - it would either be something classy and perfect, or a disappointing failure. I will probably be developing the roll of film today.

I enjoyed a relaxing weekend with my fantastic Army boyfriend who knew of my assignment of going device-free... He tried to tempt me by pulling up videos and photos on his phone. He wanted me to look at them but I refused. I just kept my head buried in my Word Search book. I told him he could describe things to me if he wanted to, but I wouldn't give in to temptation... and I didn't. Double Whew!!

I didn't miss Facebook. I didn't miss email. I didn't miss the Internet searches. I didn't miss phone calls. The only thing I missed was being able to communicate with my children over text messages at least to remind them that I was going to be picking them up at 8:30 in the morning to head to a 9 am missionary farewell for their cousin. I got to their house and no one had remembered. My ex-husband was irritated. I tried to explain that I had not been on my phone for an assignment for school. I told him I was sorry. Turns out he HAD been told, but his selective memory blocked it. Most farewells tend to have a luncheon or some kind of get-together afterward, but because I didn't have access to a phone or other communication device, I had to use my mouth... I had to walk around the chapel to find a family member so I could ask them if there was any kind of family thing after the farewell. There was. At the luncheon, many family members giggled at my ancient camera I pulled out to take pictures. I felt like I was 13 all over again, when I had my first film camera. It was kind of a fun and nostalgic feeling actually. I felt kind of excited at the anticipation of getting my film developed. I knew there wouldn't be any beautifully brilliant shots in the bunch, but I knew there were pictures of the people I loved, and that would be worth waiting for the film to be developed.

At noon on Sunday I was free to get back on devices... But honestly, I wasn't in a hurry at all. When I finally did turn my phone back on I was surprised at all the emails, texts and facebook stuff that had been sent during my hiatus from virtual connection. The only thing I regretted missing were the attempted Face-time calls from my kids and their texts wondering where I was. Hmm... apparently they used their selective text reading and completely missed my message, letting them know that I wouldn't be available for texting or phone calls for two days. Other than the communication that had come in from my kids, I didn't miss missing anything else. :)

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

The Best Device

My device that I have chosen is the Fujifilm XM-1.  I chose a large photo to show off my new device, because in my mind, the job to get to know this device and everything that it's capable of is a LARGE job for me.  I named my device Miss B. Willder because she bewilders me with her complexity. This camera is more than just a normal camera.  In addition to the seemingly endless settings for picture-taking, this camera can wirelessly upload photos directly to my phone since my camera actually has it's own wireless signal. I haven't tried it yet, but the camera also has the capability to upload photos or videos to YouTube, Facebook, or Although I haven't quite figured out how the function works since my printer doesn't work, my camera also has the capability to print off photos. A more basic function of my camera is its editing settings. With my phone I can, of course, wireless upload those photos to pretty much anywhere connected to the Internet. The most tricky part for me is learning where to put all the settings in different photo-taking situations. But considering the price of this device and the fun I've had so far, though awkwardly done most of the time up to this point, I'm no where close to putting it down. Miss B. Willder and I have much time together in store.

Sunday, February 22, 2015


I uploaded the app OVER to my iPhone and started playing with it... It was a little weird at first for me but after a few minutes I started to get the hang of it. The basic idea of this app is adding text and artwork to your photos. The only photo altering that I found with this app was the ability to tint it or make it just a little bit darker to help the text you add to stand out a bit more. All of the photos that I used with this app were from my own photos. I thought it would be nice to do some fun things to my own photos and have the ability to post them online or send them to friends. I thought this app was fun! Here is a link to an OVER user's review...CLICK HERE. For a BETTER review CLICK HERE.  I have not used a lot of apps but now that I've been paying more attention to apps, it's astounding how many there are out there!! For some examples from some pros... CLICK HERE

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

A Fancy New Device....The Fujifilm X-M1

Here I am, in my messy room (because I'm far too busy) with my fancy new device....

I got my first camera when I was
12, I think... Within the first 30 minutes I used up a whole roll of film. The camera was a simple one - put in the film and a battery, turn it on and CLICK - take a picture. I got my first digital camera several years ago, but it too was a very simple camera, unless there was more to it than I thought at the time... Hmm, where is that camera? I should find it and see if there was more to it after all.
Well, I got myself a new camera for my Digital Photojournalism class - The Fujifilm X-M1. For me, it was a pricey thing but I thought, this will be worth it. In no time at all I'm sure I'll have this thing mastered and I'll be taking some amazing pictures. I was a silly girl to think this device was going to be SIMPLE. For me, this device is very complicated, but it's my new toy and so I am determined to find out how it works.  This camera can upload directly to the Internet, I believe... I haven't tried it yet, but that's pretty sweet. I uploaded photos directly to my phone through a wireless transfer. There are so many settings that it makes my head spin.
Anyway, this is the device that I'm going to learn about... and hopefully master someday.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015


I've never gotten that deep into apps actually so trying to find interesting apps is a new thing for me and some that seem interesting, new and exciting to me, are probably old news to everyone else, but I don't mind. We do things and discover things at different times... Hahahah!
I found OVER, an app that helps do fun things with your photos. Most of us love photos or post memes that someone somewhere created. I thought this app, would make creating our own fancy photos much easier and more fun of course. I haven't tried it yet though, but I plan to.
Samples from the OVER app


There are countless apps out there that let you mess around with your photos and make them all spiffy. The one that we’ve been having the most fun with recently is Over. The app is simple with one defined purpose, to allow you to add beautiful typography to your shots. Instead of adding boring text like you would with say a Camera+, Over lets you get a bit more stylish and design-y.

Link for the Apple Over app
Link for the Android app

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan
"The medium is the message"
Marshall McLuhan's statement, "The medium is the message" has had a variety of interpretations. After reading an article by Mark Federman - Chief strategist- McLuhan Program in Culture and Technology, I think I have a better understanding of what McLuhan meant. If I still don't understand his statement clearly, that's okay with me.
In this photo of McLuhan there is a telephone on the back wall. The telephone reminds me of something I've experienced several times, beginning many years ago.
I walked into Zion's Bank in Sun Valley, Idaho in 1993. I stood in line behind a man in shorts and sandals. The bank was pretty quiet that day. I was glad that I had gotten there during a slow time of day. After a few minutes, it was my turn to get my banking done with the teller.  I approached the friendly-looking older woman at the counter. She asked me how she could help me and just as I opened my mouth to answer her, the ringing of a telephone behind the woman pulled her attention away from me as she mumbled, "um just a minute" and picked up the phone and answered, "Zion's Bank, Sun Valley, how can I help you?"  I stood at the desk for several minutes as the teller helped the telephone-patron. I wondered as I watched her why it was that a person who didn't have the compulsion to leave wherever they were got priority treatment over me...I had gotten dressed, brushed my teeth, combed my hair, and used up my personal time and fuel to drive over to the bank to do my banking in person. The person on the telephone hadn't done that. Now it could be that the person on the phone was at their job and couldn't get away, but still, why was the person on the telephone more important than a real live flesh and blood person right in front of the teller?
I have experienced that same thing in countless businesses over the years. Is a person who calls on the phone or sends a text message, more important than the people who are breathing right in front of us?
In this situation, McLuhan's statement "the medium is the message," to me, has nothing to do with what the person on the telephone wants at that moment, or the text message sender's purpose either. In this age of wanting to connect with others, sometimes, with as many people as we can through email, Facebook, Instagram, text-messages, telephone calls, etc. we tend to overlook and take for granted the people that are right in front of us and that often should be the most important people.
The message here is that the invisible individual is more important than the visible one that we can see, touch and smell.
I have many friends, and I've experienced this myself, that complain that their significant other is always so busy on their cell phone playing games, Facebooking, texting, etc that they don't seem to even talk much anymore. When did devices and what they contain become more important than people? Devices have sure added an amazing amount of convenience to our lives, but along with that convenience there have come many negatives. We may not notice them or the messages our devices have sent until we shut them off, put them down and notice the people around us again. People are pretty cool too you know.