Wednesday, January 21, 2015


I've never gotten that deep into apps actually so trying to find interesting apps is a new thing for me and some that seem interesting, new and exciting to me, are probably old news to everyone else, but I don't mind. We do things and discover things at different times... Hahahah!
I found OVER, an app that helps do fun things with your photos. Most of us love photos or post memes that someone somewhere created. I thought this app, would make creating our own fancy photos much easier and more fun of course. I haven't tried it yet though, but I plan to.
Samples from the OVER app


There are countless apps out there that let you mess around with your photos and make them all spiffy. The one that we’ve been having the most fun with recently is Over. The app is simple with one defined purpose, to allow you to add beautiful typography to your shots. Instead of adding boring text like you would with say a Camera+, Over lets you get a bit more stylish and design-y.

Link for the Apple Over app
Link for the Android app

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