Sunday, February 22, 2015


I uploaded the app OVER to my iPhone and started playing with it... It was a little weird at first for me but after a few minutes I started to get the hang of it. The basic idea of this app is adding text and artwork to your photos. The only photo altering that I found with this app was the ability to tint it or make it just a little bit darker to help the text you add to stand out a bit more. All of the photos that I used with this app were from my own photos. I thought it would be nice to do some fun things to my own photos and have the ability to post them online or send them to friends. I thought this app was fun! Here is a link to an OVER user's review...CLICK HERE. For a BETTER review CLICK HERE.  I have not used a lot of apps but now that I've been paying more attention to apps, it's astounding how many there are out there!! For some examples from some pros... CLICK HERE